Khasan district, Peter the Great Bay
The distance from Vladivostok by highway, 250 km
The composition of the reserve consists of 11 islands, the total area of which is 1100 hectares. Founded on March 24, 1978 in order to preserve the natural environment of the richest flora and fauna of the Peter the Great Gulf, and, above all, the genetic diversity of marine organisms.
Departmental affiliation: Russian Academy of Sciences.
The reserve area is 64 316.3 hectares, including 63,000 hectares of marine area.
The number of species of animals and plants living in the reserve exceeds 5000.
The climate of the reserve is a monsoonal climate with strong winds, uneven distribution of rainfall, cyclones and mist. The contact zone of interaction between the world’s biggest continent and Pacific ocean affects the climate. In the winter north-westerly and northerly winds are blowing from the continent to the sea, bringing cold and dry air. The winter brings little snow, the average air temperature in January -11 C. Summer is warm with frequent rains, storms and fog. The average temperature in August +21 C. In winter, the water temperature of the reserve is similar to the Arctic (-1,8 ° C), and in the summer – with subtropical (up to +26 ° C).
Key research areas: study and mapping of benthic biodiversity and terrestrial communities; monitoring and evaluation of the impact of anthropogenic and natural factors on the biota of the reserve; studying the biology of rare and endangered species.
Organization of protection and environmental education is one of the important aspects. The reserve had participated in international projects under the auspices of IUCN, WWF, NOOA.
it has been a member of the Association of East Asian Biosphere Reserve since 2003 and a participant of the UNDP-GEF “Strengthening the Marine and Coastal Protected Areas of Russia.”